Move to Play. Move to Live.

Adventurer - Dad - Wellness Expert


For almost two decades Ryan has been immersed in a world of active lifestyle, sacred ritual and wellness. From massage therapy and functional movement to ayahuasca and neurology, his studies and professional aptitude are steeped in eastern and western medicine and philosophy. He works along side chiropractors, acupuncturists, personal trainers, PT’s, MD’s, healers and intuits - daily.

Ryan was a staple at The Ashram, a world renown retreat center in California and Mallorca, and helped launch Aro-Ha in New Zealand, one of the highest rated wellness centers on the planet. He has taken groups around the world (and out of their comfort zone) as a backdrop to offering his insights on maximizing human potential - for over 10 years. His experience is practical. Whether he is running a boot camp in the South of France, an expedition in Nepal, or training clients in NYC, his excitement for achieving greatness is contagious. As epigenetics suggests, we create the majority of our environment with our belief system - be it conscious or otherwise.

With the addition of NeuroKinetic Therapy® to his list of healing modalities, Ryan now seeks out dysfunctional patterns throughout the body, clears blockages, activates muscles which may not be responding and reconnects the neuro-pathway to the brain. The body desires efficiency and holds these new pathways. He will find and clear your weakest link/s.

Anyone can train your strengths.

Is it Not Time to Get Started!?

NYC · Hamptons · London - Globally (via Zoom)




